Break Barriers of BMI Research
Translate BMI Findings into Practice
We aim to become a research and development base for BMI key technologies and product prototypes
R&D Domains

Brain-Computer Fusion Computing Platform
Brain-machine interface (BMI) research is a multidisciplinary endeavor, encompassing such diverse fields as neuroscience, mechanical and electrical engineering, and computer science, to mention but a few. Overcoming interdisciplinary barriers has become an absolute necessity for the development of BMI.
We have built a national software platform for BMI, compatible with plenty of common optical, electrical, magnetic, ultrasonic BMI devices. We will provide tools to streamline signal acquisition, data analysis, and animal/clinical experiments.

Neural Signal Acquisition & Decoding
Efficient acquisition of brain signals is vital for BMI.
We develop sensors and devices that integrate optical, electrical, magnetic and ultrasonic methods, invasively or non-invasively, to collect the most accurate neural signals in the most efficient way.
We also develop a mathematical mapping from the brain activity to the outside world in the sensory and motor domain.

Adaptive Neuromodulation Therapies
We aim to understand and protect the brain. Neuromodulation can benefit patients with severe neurological diseases and mental disorders.
Based on the findings in the neural mechanism underlying brain diseases, we use adaptive neuromodulation therapies to alter neuronal and synaptic properties, thus alleviating symptoms. We study both noninvasive (e.g., transcranial temporal interference stimulation) and invasive (e.g., deep brain stimulation) techniques.
Mission & Vission
Break barriers of BMI research
Translate BMI findings into practice
To build an innovative system integrating basic and applied research with industrial incubation in BMI
Development Plan (1+2+N)
1 General Objective:
Become a research and development base for BMI key technologies and product prototypes
2 Development Strategies:
Build an open-source national platform for brain-machine mutual interaction
Foster industry-academia collaboration: following a market-oriented approach, we build prototypes of medical devices and lab equipment
N R&D Projects

Our People

Zhaohui WU
AI|Brain-Computer Fusion
- President, Zhejiang University
- Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- IEEE Fellow
- Chief scientist in the 973 Project

Shumin DUAN
- Dean of Zhejiang University Faculty of Medicine
- Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Member of TWAS
- Chief scientist in the 973 Project

Yueming WANG
BMI|AI|Data Mining
- Professor, Qiushi Academy for Advanced Studies and College of Computer Science and Technology

Gang PAN
AI|Brain-Computer Fusion
- Professor, College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang Univeristy
- Vice-director, State Key Lab of CAD&CG
- IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence